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Acronyms starting with P Page 3

 Acronym Category Meaning
PALEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPaleoclimates From Arctic Lakes And Estuaries
PALMSChemistry AcronymsParticle Analysis By Laser Mass Spectrometry
PALSChemistry AcronymsPositron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
PALSNASA AcronymsPhoto Area And Location SYstem
PALSNASA AcronymsPrecision Approach And Landing SYstem
PALTUS Military AcronymsPressure Altitude
PAMAstronomy AcronymsPayload Assist Module
PAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPortable Automated Mesonet
PAMChemistry AcronymsPhotolabile Attachment Molecules
PAMChemistry AcronymsPeptidylglycine Alpha-amidating Monooxygenase
PAMChemistry AcronymsPerformance Assessment Methodology
PAMChemistry AcronymsPeriodic Anderson Model
PAMNASA AcronymsPayload Assist Module
PAMNASA AcronymsPayload Assist Module
PAMNASA AcronymsPulse Amplifier Modulation
PAMNASA AcronymsPulse Amplitude Modulation
PAMUncategorized AcronymsPrecision Attack Missile
PAMUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Acquisition And Property Management
PAM-DAstronomy AcronymsPayload Assist Module
PAM-IIIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPortable Automated Mesonet Station
PAMBNASA AcronymsPressure Ambient
PAMBEChemistry AcronymsPlasma-assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy
PAMELAUncategorized AcronymsPayload For Antimatter Matter Exploration And Light-nuclei Astrophysics
PAMELAUncategorized AcronymsPedestrian Accessibility And Movement Environment Laboratory
PAMPAChemistry AcronymsParallel Artificial Membrane Permeation Assay
PAMSChemistry AcronymsPhotochem. Assessment Monitoring Stations
PAMSAChemistry AcronymsPCR Amplification Of Multiple Specific Alleles
PANAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPeroxyacyl Nitrates
PANChemistry AcronymsPeroxyacetyl Nitrate
PANUncategorized AcronymsSTARRS -Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System
PANUncategorized AcronymsPanama (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Personal Area Network -PolyAcryloNitrile
PANUncategorized AcronymsPunjabi Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
PANComputer And Internet AcronymsPersonal Area Network
PAN-CIMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPAN Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer
PANAKChemistry AcronymsPeroxyacetyl Nitrate Aldehyde Ketones
PANHChemistry AcronymsPolycyclic Aromatic Nitrogen Heterocycle
PANNAChemistry AcronymsPesticide Action Network North America
PANSUncategorized AcronymsPretty Advanced/Awesome Network Services (cf. POTS)
PANSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsPretty Awesome New Stuff
PANSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPretty Awesome New Stuff
PAOChemistry AcronymsPolarized Atomic Orbital
PAOChemistry AcronymsPolyphosphate Accumulating Organism
PAOChemistry AcronymsPseudo-atomic Orbital
PAONASA AcronymsPublic Affairs Office (Officer)
PAOUncategorized AcronymsPublic Affairs Officer
PAOUS Military AcronymsPublic Affairs Office(r)
PAODChemistry AcronymsPeripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
PAPChemistry AcronymsPancreatitis-associated Protein
PAPChemistry AcronymsProstatic Acid Phosphatase
PAPNASA AcronymsProduct Assurance Plan
PAPComputer And Internet AcronymsPassword Authentication Protocol
PAPINASA AcronymsPrecision Approach Path Indicator
PAPIUncategorized AcronymsPrecision Approach Path Indicator (aviation)
PAPP-AChemistry AcronymsPregnancy-associated Plasma Protein A
PAPSChemistry AcronymsPhase-alternated Pulse Sequence
PAPSUS Military AcronymsPropulsion Associated Parameter Set
PAPVDChemistry AcronymsPlasma-assisted Physical Vapor Deposition
PARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPerformance Assurance Requirements
PARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPhotosynthetically Active Radiation
PARChemistry AcronymsPopulation At Risk
PARChemistry AcronymsPhotosynthetically Active Radiation
PARChemistry AcronymsProteinase-activated Receptor
PARNASA AcronymsPlanning Action Request
PARNASA AcronymsPrecision Approach Radar
PARNASA AcronymsProblem Accountability Record
PARNASA AcronymsProblem Action Record
PARNASA AcronymsProblem Action Request
PARNASA AcronymsProduct Acceptance Review
PARUS Military AcronymsParts Approved Request
PARANASA AcronymsParagraph
PARAFACChemistry AcronymsParallel Factor Analysis
PARAMNASA AcronymsParameter
PARCChemistry AcronymsPolycyclic Aromatic Ring Cleavage
PARCUncategorized AcronymsPalo Alto Research Center
PAREAstronomy AcronymsPhysiological And Anatomical Rodent Experiment
PARISSChemistry AcronymsPrism And Reflector Imaging Spectroscopy System
PARMUS Military AcronymsParticipating Manager
PAROSUncategorized AcronymsPrevention Of An Arms Race In Outer Space (treaty)
PARPChemistry AcronymsPoly ADP-ribose Polymerase
PARPUncategorized Acronyms(NATO Partnership For Peace) Planning And Review Process
PARSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParalleled-processing Applied Research Systems
PARSChemistry AcronymsPhotoacoustic Raman Spectroscopy
PARSNASA AcronymsProperty Accountability Record System
PARWIGUncategorized AcronymsPower Augmented Ram Wing In Ground (aeroplane Wing Shape)
PASAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPlatform Analysis System
PASChemistry AcronymsPeriodic Acid Schiff
PASChemistry AcronymsPhotoacoustic Spectroscopy
PASChemistry AcronymsPositron Annihilation Spectrometry
PASNASA AcronymsPayload Accommodation Studies
PASNASA AcronymsPrimary Ascent System
PASUncategorized AcronymsSee Entry
PASAChemistry AcronymsPCR Amplification Of Specific Alleles
PASAUncategorized AcronymsPolyAmide
PASADENAChemistry AcronymsPara-hydrogen And Synthesis Allow Dramatically Enhanced Nuclear Alignment
PASEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPolar Air-Show Experiment
PASGTUncategorized AcronymsPersonnel Armor System
PASHChemistry AcronymsPolycyclic Aromatic Sulfur-containing Hydrocarbons
PASINAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParticle-Matter Airborne Sampling Inlet Experiment

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