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Acronyms starting with R Page 11

 Acronym Category Meaning
RIRChemistry AcronymsRelative Inhalation Risk
RIRChemistry AcronymsReference-intensity Ratio
RIRNASA AcronymsReportable Item Report
RISChemistry AcronymsRadiation-induced Segregation
RISChemistry AcronymsResonance Ionization Spectrometry
RISChemistry AcronymsRotational Isomeric State
RISNASA AcronymsReporting Identification Symbols
RISUncategorized AcronymsRange Instrumentation System
RISAChemistry AcronymsRadioimmunosorbent Assay
RISAChemistry AcronymsRDNA Internal Spacer Analysis
RISCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsReduced Instruction Set Computer
RISCChemistry AcronymsReduced-instruction-set Computer
RISCUncategorized AcronymsReduced Instruction Set Computer
RISCComputer Acronyms (Common)Reduced Instruction Set Computing
RISCComputer And Internet AcronymsReduced Instruction-Set Computing
RISDUncategorized AcronymsRhode Island School Of Design (riz-dee)
RISEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadiative Inputs From Sun To Earth
RISEChemistry AcronymsRadiative Inputs From Sun To Earth
RISKACNASA AcronymsRisk Acceptance
RISMChemistry AcronymsReference Interaction Site Model
RISTAUncategorized AcronymsReconnaissance
RITNASA AcronymsRequest For Interface Tool
RITDChemistry AcronymsResonant Interband Tunneling Diode
RITEChemistry AcronymsResearch Institute Of Innovative Technology For The Earth (Japan)
RITGChemistry AcronymsRadiatively Important Trace Gases
RITPChemistry AcronymsRecycling Isotachophoresis
RITSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadiatively Important Trace Substances
RITSChemistry AcronymsRadiatively Important Trace Species
RITZChemistry AcronymsRegulatory And Investigative Treatment Zone
RIUNASA AcronymsRemote Interface Unit
RIUUS Military AcronymsRadar Interface Unit
RIVNASA AcronymsRecirculation Isolation Valve
RIXSChemistry AcronymsResonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
RIYLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRecommended If You Like
RJ-11Computer And Internet AcronymsRegistered Jack-11
RJ-45Computer And Internet AcronymsRegistered Jack-45
RJ/ECNASA AcronymsReaction Jet/Engine Control
RJAGUS Military AcronymsReuse Joint Activities Group
RJCNASA AcronymsReaction Jet Control
RJDNASA AcronymsReaction Jet Device
RJDNASA AcronymsReaction Jet Driver
RJDNASA AcronymsReaction Jet Driver
RJDUncategorized AcronymsReduced Julian Day
RJDANASA AcronymsReaction Jet Driver Aft
RJDFNASA AcronymsReaction Jet Driver Forward
RJEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRemote Job Entry
RJECNASA AcronymsReaction Jet Engine Control
RJODNASA AcronymsReaction Jet OMS Driver
RKNASA AcronymsRecharge
RKAAstronomy AcronymsRossiskoye Kosmicheskoye Agentsvo
RKBChemistry AcronymsRestricted Kinetic Balance (method In Calcns. Of Wave Functions And Energies)
RKBAUncategorized AcronymsRight To Keep And Bear Arms (Second Amendment To The United States Constitution)
RKBAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRight To Keep And Bear Arms
RKHSChemistry AcronymsReproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
RKIChemistry AcronymsRotary Kiln Incinerator
RKKR-GFChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Koringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green Function
RKKYChemistry AcronymsRuderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida (indirect Electron Exchange Mechanism)
RKOUncategorized AcronymsRadio-Keith-Orpheum Pictures
RKRVLChemistry AcronymsRydberg-Klein-Rees-Vanderslice-Lakshman (for Potential Energy)
RLNASA AcronymsReturn Link
RLUncategorized AcronymsRelease Line - Real Life
RLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsReal Life - I.e. When Not Chatting
RLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsReal Life
RLAChemistry AcronymsResonant Laser Ablation
RLANASA AcronymsRepair Level Analysis
RLANASA AcronymsRepair Line Agreement
RLCNASA AcronymsRemote Load Controller
RLCAChemistry AcronymsReaction-limited Cluster Aggregation
RLCOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsReal Life Conference
RLFChemistry AcronymsRadially Localized (wave) Function
RLFNASA AcronymsRelief
RLFUS Military AcronymsReusability Library Framework
RLFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsReal Life Friend
RLGNASA AcronymsRing Laser Gyro
RLGSHuman Genome AcronymsRestriction Landmark Genomic Scanning
RLIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Rapid Lead Infusion - Obnoxious Patient Ought To Be Shot
RLLComputer And Internet AcronymsRun Length Limited
RLMChemistry AcronymsReflected Light Microscopy
RLMChemistry AcronymsRotating Linear Model (for Effective Potential Surfaces In Coupled-channel Calcns. On Reactive Scattering)
RLMSUS Military AcronymsRadar Landmass Simulator
RLMTOChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Linear Muffin-tin Orbital
RLOUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Regular Line Officer
RLPChemistry AcronymsReactive Liquid Polymer
RLPUncategorized AcronymsRecognised [Operating/Operational] Land Picture
RLPPSChemistry AcronymsReactive Low-pressure Plasma Spraying
RLQMedical AcronymsRight Lower Quadrant
RLSChemistry AcronymsRecursive Least Squares (algorithm)
RLSChemistry AcronymsResonance Light Scattering
RLSUncategorized AcronymsRestless Leg Syndrome
RLTChemistry AcronymsRiemann-Liouville Transform
RLTNASA AcronymsReturn Line Tether
RLVChemistry AcronymsReusable Launch Vehicles (aeronautics)
RLYNASA AcronymsRelay
RLYUncategorized AcronymsRally Point
RMMedical AcronymsRespiratory Movement
RMMedical AcronymsRespiratory Movement
RMNASA AcronymsRedundancy Management
RMNASA AcronymsRedundancy Management
RMNASA AcronymsReference Mission
RMNASA AcronymsRemoteManipulator

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