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Acronyms starting with R Page 13

 Acronym Category Meaning
RNNChemistry AcronymsRecurrent Neural Network
RNNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsReply Not Necessary
RNOChemistry AcronymsReaction Natural Orbital
RNPSUncategorized AcronymsRadio Network Planning System
RNRChemistry AcronymsRibonucleotide Reductase
RNRUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Rest And Relaxation (also R&R). Used To Specify Activity During Leave/time-off; As In, "I Need A Little RnR."
RNRAChemistry AcronymsResonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis
RNSChemistry AcronymsReactive Nitrogen Species
RNSUS Military AcronymsRadar Navigation Set
RNTSCUBA Diving AcronymsResidual Nitrogen Time
RNTDSUS Military AcronymsRestructured Navy Tactical Data System
RNVCUS Military AcronymsReference Number Variation Code
ROAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Radius
ROChemistry AcronymsReverse Osmosis
RONASA AcronymsRadar Operator
RONASA AcronymsReadout
RONASA AcronymsReceive Only
RONASA AcronymsRecovery Operations
ROUncategorized AcronymsRange Only - Red Orchestra -Romania (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram)
ROUncategorized AcronymsRomanian Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
ROBusiness And FinanceRevenue Outturn
RO#Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsRossby Number
ROAChemistry AcronymsRaman Optical Activity
ROAChemistry AcronymsRelaxed Orbital Approximation
ROAUncategorized AcronymsRate Of Ascent
ROADUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Retired On Active Duty (i.e., "ROAD Warrior")
ROAMSUS Military AcronymsReusable Object Access Management System
ROAVERRSChemistry AcronymsResearch On Atmospheric Variability And Atmospheric Response In The Ross Sea
ROBNASA AcronymsRight Outboard
ROBINAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFalling Balloon Experiment
ROBK1Chemistry AcronymsRelativistic First-order Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers
ROBK2Chemistry AcronymsRelativistic Second-order Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers (in Ion-scattering Calcns.)
ROBOChemistry AcronymsRotating Bond Order (model In Potential Surface Calcns.)
ROCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRepublic Of China
ROCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRegional Observational Cooperative
ROCChemistry AcronymsReceiver Operating Characteristics
ROCChemistry AcronymsReceptor-operated Ca2+ Channel
ROCNASA AcronymsRecord Of Comments
ROCNASA AcronymsRequest Of Change
ROCUncategorized AcronymsReceiver Operating Characteristic (statistics) - Regional Operations Centre - Republic Of China - Roc-A-Fella Records
ROCDUS Military AcronymsReuse Operational Concept Document
ROCEWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRole Of Clouds
ROCV OR ROCUncategorized AcronymsV -Recognition Of Combat Vehicles (rock-vee)
RODChemistry AcronymsRecord Of Decision
RODNASA AcronymsRemote Operated Door(s)
RODUncategorized AcronymsRate Of Descent - Record Of Decisions - Report Of Discrepancy
RODACChemistry AcronymsRegional Ocean Dumping Advisory Committee
RODSChemistry AcronymsRecords Of Decision System
RODTOXChemistry AcronymsRapid Oxygen Demand And Toxicity Tester
ROEUncategorized AcronymsRules Of Engagement
ROEUS Army Acronyms (Official)Rules Of Engagement
ROEUS Military AcronymsRules Of Engagement
ROEBusiness And FinanceReturn On Equity
ROESYChemistry AcronymsRotating-frame Overhauser Enhancement Spectroscopy
ROFUS Military AcronymsReceipt Of Funds
ROFAChemistry AcronymsRotating Over Fire Air (boiler Firing)
ROFLComputer And Internet AcronymsRolling On Floor, Laughing
ROFLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRoll On Floor Laughing
ROFLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRolling On Floor Laughing
ROFL(MAO)Uncategorized AcronymsRolling On The Floor Laughing (My Ass Off)
ROGChemistry AcronymsReactive Organic Gas
ROHUncategorized AcronymsRing Of Honor
ROHUncategorized AcronymsRaeto-Romansh Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ROHFChemistry AcronymsRestricted Open-shell Hartree-Fock
ROHSChemistry AcronymsRestrictions On Hazardous Substances
ROIChemistry AcronymsReactive Oxygen Intermediate
ROIUncategorized AcronymsReturn On Investment
ROIUS Military AcronymsReturn On Investment
ROIBusiness And FinanceReturn On Investment
ROICChemistry AcronymsReadout Integrated Circuit
ROKUncategorized AcronymsRepublic Of Korea
ROLUncategorized AcronymsRomanian Leu (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
ROLLNASA AcronymsRoll Angle
ROLMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsNot An Acronym
ROMChemistry AcronymsReactive Oxygen Metabolite
ROMChemistry AcronymsRead Only Memory
ROMChemistry AcronymsRegional Oxidant Model
ROMChemistry AcronymsReverse Osmosis Membrane
ROMMedical AcronymsRange Of Motion
ROMNASA AcronymsRead-Only Memory
ROMNASA AcronymsRough Order Of Magnitude
ROMUncategorized AcronymsRead-Only Memory - Refuel On The Move - Royal Ontario Museum
ROMUS Military AcronymsRead Only Memory
ROMUS Military AcronymsRough Order Of Magnitude
ROMComputer Acronyms (Common)Read-Only Memory
ROMComputer And Internet AcronymsRead-Only Memory
ROMNETChemistry AcronymsRegional Ozone Modeling For Northeast Transport
ROMPChemistry AcronymsRestricted Open-shell Moeller-Plesse
ROMPChemistry AcronymsRing-opening Metathesis Polymerization
RONChemistry AcronymsResearch Octane Number
RONUncategorized AcronymsRomanian Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
RONUncategorized AcronymsRomanian New Leu (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
RONALDChemistry AcronymsRocketborne Optical Neutral Gas Analyzer With Laser Diodes
ROPChemistry AcronymsRing-opening Polymerization
ROPUncategorized AcronymsRender Output Pipeline
ROPCOMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRemote OPCM
RORUS Military AcronymsRepair Of Repairables
RORSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRaffing Out Roud (from ScoobyDoo = "laughing Out Loud")
RORText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRaffing Out Roud ("Laughing Out Loud" In Scooby-doo Dialect)
RORO OR ROUncategorized AcronymsRo -Roll-On/Roll-Off (ferry)

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