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Acronyms starting with R Page 14

 Acronym Category Meaning
ROSChemistry AcronymsReactive Oxygen Species
ROSChemistry AcronymsRestricted (or Roothaan) Open-shell (Hamiltonian)
ROSMedical AcronymsReview Of Systems
ROSNASA AcronymsRosman
ROSNASA AcronymsRegulated Oxygen Supply
ROSNASA AcronymsRegulated Oxygen SYstem
ROSNASA AcronymsRemovable Overhead Structure
ROSUncategorized AcronymsReactive Oxygen Species
ROSATAstronomy AcronymsROentgen Satellite
ROSATChemistry AcronymsRoentgen Satellite
ROSDALChemistry AcronymsRepresentation Of Organic Structure Description Arranged Linearly
ROSEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRural Oxidants In The Southern Environment
ROSEChemistry AcronymsRegional Oxidants In The SouthEast
ROSEChemistry AcronymsResearch On Ozone In The Stratosphere And Its Evolution
ROSEChemistry AcronymsResidual Organic Substance Emissions
ROSEChemistry AcronymsRemote Optical Sensing Of Emissions
ROSEChemistry AcronymsResidual Oil Supercritical Extraction
ROSE-AIRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRural Ozone In Southern Environment-Aircraft
ROSHChemistry AcronymsRegistry Of Occupational Safety And Health
ROSINAChemistry AcronymsRosetta Orbiter Spectrometer For Ion And Neutral Analysis
ROSSChemistry AcronymsRiver Oil Spill Simulation
ROSS2Chemistry AcronymsRiver Oil Spill Simulation 2 Layer Model
ROTNASA AcronymsRotate
ROTNASA AcronymsRemaining Operating Time
ROTATEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadar Observation Of Thunderstorms And Tornadoes Experiment
ROTCUncategorized AcronymsReserve Officer Training Corps (Rawt-Cee)
ROTCUS Army Acronyms (Official) Reserve Officer Training Corps
ROTCUS Govt. AcronymsReserve Officer Training Corps
ROTFLChatting AcronymsRolling On The Floor Laughing (also ROFL)
ROTFLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAOChatting AcronymsRoll On The Floor Laughing My A** Off
ROTFLMAOSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTFLMAOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTFLMBOSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRolling On The Floor Laughing My Butt Off
ROTFLMFAOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRolling On The Floor Laughing My F*cking Ass Off
ROTFLOLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTGLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRolling On The Ground Laughing
ROTGLMAOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRolling On The Ground Laughing My Ass Off
ROTINASA AcronymsRecording Optical Tracking Instrument
ROTMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRight On The Money
ROUUncategorized AcronymsRomania (ISO 3166 Trigram)
ROUSAstronomy AcronymsRodents Of Unusual Size
ROUTNASA AcronymsRollout
ROVChemistry AcronymsRemotely Operated Vehicle
ROVSCUBA Diving AcronymsRemotly Operated Vehicle
ROVUncategorized AcronymsRemotely Operated Vehicle
ROVPChemistry AcronymsReactance Operator Variational Principle
ROWUncategorized AcronymsRight Of Way - Rest Of The World
ROWPUChemistry AcronymsReverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
ROWPUUncategorized AcronymsReverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (roe-pew)
ROZUncategorized AcronymsRestricted Operations Zone
RPChemistry AcronymsReinforced Plastics
RPNASA AcronymsRelative Pressure
RPNASA AcronymsRepair Period
RPNASA AcronymsRocket Propellant
RPUncategorized AcronymsPhilippines (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Release Point - Role-Playing
RP/CChemistry AcronymsReinforced Plastics/composite
RP/MChemistry AcronymsReinforced Plastics/mortar
RPAChemistry AcronymsRNase Protection Assay
RPAChemistry AcronymsRandom Phase Approximation
RPANASA AcronymsRecord And Playback Assembly
RPANASA AcronymsRequest For Procurement Action (Authorization)
RPAUncategorized AcronymsRegional Plan Association
RPAEChemistry AcronymsRandom Phase Approximation With Exchange
RPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRemote Procedure Call
RPCChemistry AcronymsRegional Planning Commission
RPCChemistry AcronymsRotation Planar Chromatography
RPCChemistry AcronymsReduced Potential Curve (method For Anal. Of Potential Functions And Spectra Of Diatomic Molecules)
RPCChemistry AcronymsReversed-phase Chromatography
RPCNASA AcronymsRemote Power Controller
RPCNASA AcronymsRemote Power Controller
RPCUS Military AcronymsRemote Procedure Call
RPCComputer Acronyms (Common)Remote Procedure Call
RPCRChemistry AcronymsRestricted Principal Component Regression
RPCVDChemistry AcronymsRemote Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
RPDChemistry AcronymsRelative Percent Difference
RPDChemistry AcronymsRetarding Potential Difference
RPDUncategorized AcronymsRecognition-Primed Decision-making
RPDWRChemistry AcronymsRevised Primary Drinking Water Regulations
RPEChemistry AcronymsRetinal Pigment Epithelium
RPENASA AcronymsReliability Project Engineer
RPECVDChemistry AcronymsRemote Plasma-enhanced Chemical-vapor Deposition
RPEHMOChemistry AcronymsRelativistically Parametrized Extended Hueckel MO
RPFChemistry AcronymsRenal Plasma Flow
RPGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadar Product Generator
RPGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadar Products Generator
RPGUncategorized Acronyms(US-CA) Regional Planning Group - Report Program Generator - Rocket Projectile Gun - Rocket-Propelled Grenade - Role-Playing Game
RPGUS Army Acronyms (Official)Rocket-Propelled Grenade
RPGComputer And Internet AcronymsReport Program Generator
RPGComputer And Internet AcronymsRole-Playing Game
RPGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRole-playing Games
RPGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRole Playing Games
RPGUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Rape Prevention Glasses, Rocket Propelled Grenade
RPIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRensselaer Polytechnec Institute
RPIChemistry AcronymsRadius Polydispersity Index
RPIENASA AcronymsReal Property Installed Equipment
RPIEUS Military AcronymsReal Property Installed Equipment
RPIPCChemistry AcronymsReversed-phase Ion-pair Chromatography
RPJChemistry AcronymsRadio-frequency Plasma Jet

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