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Acronyms starting with R Page 5

 Acronym Category Meaning
RCCSDChemistry Acronyms(spin) Restricted CCSD
RCDNASA AcronymsRecord
RCDPNASA AcronymsRecord Parallel
RCDRNASA AcronymsRecorder
RCFChemistry AcronymsRefractory Ceramic Fibers
RCFChemistry AcronymsRelative Centrifugal Force
RCFChemistry AcronymsRolling Contact Fatigue
RCHAUncategorized AcronymsRoyal Canadian Horse Artillery (regiment)
RCHCSNASA AcronymsRegenerable CO And Humidity Contro SYstem
RCHFChemistry AcronymsRelaxed-core Hartree-Fock (approxn. In Calcns. On Mol. K-shell Excitation Spectra)
RCHOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAldehydes
RCIAstronomy AcronymsRodent Cage Interface
RCIChemistry AcronymsRelativistic Configuration Interaction
RCIChemistry AcronymsRestricted Configuration Interaction
RCIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRectal Cranial Inversion (Head Up Ass)
RCIOSAChemistry AcronymsReactive Classical-infinite-order-sudden Approxn.
RCISChemistry AcronymsResource Center Information System
RCISDChemistry AcronymsRestricted CI (with) Single (and) Double (excitations)
RCLEDChemistry AcronymsResonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode
RCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsWSR-88D Radar Coded Message
RCMChemistry AcronymsRadiative Convective Model (of Climate)
RCMChemistry AcronymsRing-closing Metathesis
RCMChemistry AcronymsRotated-coordinate Method
RCMUS Military AcronymsReliability Centered Maintenance
RCMPUncategorized AcronymsRoyal Canadian Mounted Police
RCNNASA AcronymsRequirements Change Notice
RCNDOChemistry AcronymsRydberg CNDO
RCNDO/SChemistry AcronymsRydberg CNDO/screened
RCOChemistry AcronymsRegenerative Catalytic Oxidizer
RCPChemistry AcronymsReciprocal Calcn. Procedure [of ACGIH]
RCPChemistry AcronymsRapid Crack Propagation
RCPChemistry AcronymsRecursive Correlation Partitioning
RCPNASA AcronymsRadiation Constraints Panel
RCPNASA AcronymsRight Circular Polarization
RCPNASA AcronymsRight Circular Polarizer
RCPGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsResearch Coordination And Planning Group
RCPTNASA AcronymsReceipt
RCPTNASA AcronymsReceptacle
RCRChemistry AcronymsRecrystallization Controlled Rolling
RCRChemistry AcronymsReplication-competent Retrovirus
RCRChemistry AcronymsRespiratory Control Ratio
RCRNASA AcronymsRetrofit Configuration Record
RCRAChemistry AcronymsResource Conservation And Recovery Act Of 1976
RCRAUncategorized AcronymsResource Conservation And Recovery Act (reck-ra Or Rick-ra)
RCRISChemistry AcronymsResource Conservation And Recovery Information System
RCSAstronomy AcronymsReaction Control System / Revision Control System
RCSChemistry AcronymsReaction Control System
RCSChemistry AcronymsRecoupled Centrifugal Sudden (approxn.
RCSNASA AcronymsReaction Control System
RCSNASA AcronymsReaction Control System (Subsystem)
RCSUncategorized AcronymsRadar Cross-Section - Revision Control System - Reaction Control System
RCSUS Military AcronymsRadar Cross Section
RCSBChemistry AcronymsResearch Collaboratory For Structural Bioinformatics
RCSCNASA AcronymsReaction Control Subsystem Controller
RCSFChemistry AcronymsReference Configuration-state Function
RCSIChemistry AcronymsRandom Cooperative Strain Interaction
RCTAstronomy AcronymsRadiometric Calibration Target
RCTChemistry AcronymsReference Control Technology
RCTUncategorized AcronymsRandomized Controlled Trial - Robotically Controlled Telescope
RCTMChemistry AcronymsRegional Chemical Transport Model
RCUNASA AcronymsRemote Control Unit
RCVNASA AcronymsReceive
RCVUS Military AcronymsReceive
RCVRNASA AcronymsReceiver
RCVSNASA AcronymsRemote Control Video Switch
RCVYNASA AcronymsRecovery
RCYNASA AcronymsRecovery
RCYNASA AcronymsRemaining CYcles
RCZUncategorized AcronymsRear Combat Zone
RDChemistry AcronymsRemedial Design
RDNASA AcronymsRadiation Detection
RDNASA AcronymsReference Designator
RDNASA AcronymsRequirements Document
RDNASA AcronymsRound
RDSCUBA Diving AcronymsRescue Diver (PADI)
RDUncategorized AcronymsRadio Disney
RDUS Govt. AcronymsRural Development
RD/RAChemistry AcronymsRemedial Design/Remedial Action
RD/SBNASA AcronymsRudder Speed Brake
RDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadar Data Acquisition
RDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRemote Database Access
RDAChemistry AcronymsRecommended Daily Allowance
RDAChemistry AcronymsRegularized Discriminant Analysis
RDAChemistry AcronymsRepresentational Difference Analysis
RDANASA AcronymsRemote Data Access
RDANASA AcronymsResident Data Area
RDAUncategorized AcronymsResearch
RDAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadar Data Access And Management Format
RDASAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsReflectivity Data Acquisition System
RDBMSUS Military AcronymsRelational Data Base Management System
RDBMSComputer And Internet AcronymsRelational Database Management System
RDCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRegional Data Center
RDCChemistry AcronymsRotating Disk Contactor
RDCNASA AcronymsReference Designator Code
RDCNASA AcronymsRequest For Document Change
RDCCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsReal-time Display And Coordination Center
RDCSNASA AcronymsReconfiguration Data Collection SYstem
RDDNASA AcronymsRequirements Definition Document
RDDUncategorized AcronymsRadiological Dispersion Device
RDDLUncategorized AcronymsResource Directory Description Language (riddle)

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