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Acronyms starting with R Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
REREXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRemote Read-out Experiment
RERSChemistry AcronymsResonance-enhanced Raman Scattering
RESNASA AcronymsReserve
RESNASA AcronymsReservoir
RESUncategorized AcronymsRadiation Exposure Status -Reserve
RESAChemistry AcronymsRing Infected Erythrocyte Surface Antigen
RESAMChemistry AcronymsRegional Soil Acidification Model
RESIDNASA AcronymsResidual
RESISChemistry AcronymsReceptor Site Interaction Simulation
RESISNASA AcronymsResistance
RESNAUncategorized AcronymsRehabilitation Engineering And Assistive Technology Society Of North America
RESOLVUS Military AcronymsResolver
RESOLVEChemistry AcronymsResearch On Operations Limiting Visual Extinction
RESPNASA AcronymsResponsibility
RESQSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRescue
RESSChemistry AcronymsRapid Expansion Of Supercritical Solution
RESTECAstronomy AcronymsRemote Sensing Technology Center
RESVRNASA AcronymsReservoir
RETChemistry AcronymsResonance Energy Transfer
RETNASA AcronymsRetract
RETUS Military AcronymsRetract
RETENNASA AcronymsRetention
RETRONASA AcronymsRetro Controller (NASA)
RETRONASA AcronymsRetrofire
RETRONASA AcronymsRetrofire Officer
RETRVNASA AcronymsRetrieve
REUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsResearch Experiences For Undergraduates
REUUncategorized AcronymsR?union (ISO 3166 Trigram)
REVChemistry AcronymsRay Eigenvector (a Wave Function)
REVNASA AcronymsReverse
REVNASA AcronymsReview
REVNASA AcronymsRevision
REVNASA AcronymsRevolution
REXChemistry AcronymsReactive Extrusion
REXChemistry AcronymsRelativistically Parametrized Extended Hueckel
RFAstronomy AcronymsRadio Frequency
RFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadio Frequency
RFChemistry AcronymsResponse Factor
RFNASA AcronymsCommunications Support
RFNASA AcronymsRadio Frequency
RFNASA AcronymsRadio Frequency
RFNASA AcronymsRight Forward
RFUncategorized AcronymsRadio Frequency - Receptive Field (neurophysiology)
RFUncategorized AcronymsRutherfordium
RFUS Military AcronymsRadio Frequency
RF-TKNASA AcronymsRadio Frequency Tracking
RFAChemistry AcronymsRCRA Facility Assessment
RFAChemistry AcronymsRegulatory Flexibility Act
RFAChemistry AcronymsRegulatory Flexibility Analysis
RFAChemistry AcronymsRenormalized Free Atom (model
RFAChemistry AcronymsRetarding Field Analyzer
RFANASA AcronymsRequest For Action
RFANASA AcronymsRF Authorization (Frequency)
RFAUncategorized AcronymsRestrictive Fire Area (military) - Royal Field Artillery
RFBChemistry AcronymsRecycle Fluidized-bed
RFBNASA AcronymsReady For Baseline
RFBNASA AcronymsRequest For Bid
RFBCMChemistry AcronymsRandom-field Blume-capel Model (hamiltonian For Magnetic System)
RFCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRiver Forecast Center
RFCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRequest For Comment
RFCChemistry AcronymsInhalation Reference Concentration
RFCNASA AcronymsRadio Frequency Charts
RFCNASA AcronymsRequest For Change
RFCNASA AcronymsRequest For Change Revolution
RFCUncategorized AcronymsRequest For Comments - Royal Flying Corps (WWI Precursor To RAF)
RFCComputer And Internet AcronymsRequest For Comments
RFCSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRequest For Comment
RFCCChemistry AcronymsResidue Fluid Catalytic Cracking
RFCCUChemistry AcronymsResidue Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit
RFCPNASA AcronymsRequest For Computer Program
RFDChatting AcronymsRequest For Discussion
RFDChemistry AcronymsReference Dose
RFDNASA AcronymsRequirements Formulation Document
RFDSMS Chat And Text AcronymsRequest For Discussion
RFDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsRequest For Discussion
RFD/WUS Military AcronymsRequest For Deviation/waver
RFDRChemistry AcronymsRadiofrequency-driven Dipolar Recoupling
RFEChemistry AcronymsRecursive Feature Elimination
RFEChemistry AcronymsRelative Fit Error
RFEChemistry AcronymsRelaxor Ferroelectrics
RFENASA AcronymsRequest For Estimate
RFEUncategorized AcronymsRequest For Enhancement
RFECChemistry AcronymsRemote Field Eddy Current
RFEFUncategorized AcronymsReal Federaci›n Espa?ola De Fœtbol (Spanish For Royal Spanish Football Federation)
RFEINASA AcronymsRequest For Engineering Information
RFETSChemistry AcronymsRocky Flats Environmental Technology Site
RFFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsResearch Flight Facility
RFFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsResources For The Future
RFGChemistry AcronymsReformulated Gasoline
RFGDChemistry AcronymsRadio-frequency Glow Discharge
RFGEChemistry AcronymsRotating-field Gel Electrophoresis
RFIAstronomy AcronymsRadio Frequency Interference
RFIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRadio Frequency Interference
RFIChemistry AcronymsRCRA Facility Investigation
RFIChemistry AcronymsRadio Frequency Interference
RFINASA AcronymsRadio Frequency Interference
RFINASA AcronymsRemote Facility Inquiry
RFINASA AcronymsRemote File Inquiry
RFINASA AcronymsRequest For Information
RFIUncategorized AcronymsReady For Inspection - Ready For Issue - Request For Information - Radio Frequency Interference

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