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Acronyms starting with S Page 10

 Acronym Category Meaning
SCTBChemistry AcronymsSelf-consistent Tight-binding (in Electronic Structure)
SCTDChemistry AcronymsSuperconducting Current Transfer Device
SCTDAChemistry AcronymsSeparated Channel Tamm-Dancoff Approxn.
SCTPUncategorized AcronymsStream Control Transmission Protocol
SCTRUS Military AcronymsSector
SCUNASA AcronymsSecondary Control Unit
SCUNASA AcronymsSequence Control Unit
SCUNASA AcronymsService And Cooling Umbilical
SCUNASA AcronymsSignal Conditioner Unit
SCUNASA AcronymsSignal Conditioning Unit
SCUNASA AcronymsSignal Control Unit
SCUBASCUBA Diving AcronymsSelf Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus
SCUBAUncategorized AcronymsSelf Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SCUDASCUBA Diving AcronymsSelf Contained Underwater Drinking Apparatus. Product That Can Be Used To Drink Underwater.
SCUFNUncategorized AcronymsSub-Committee On Undersea Feature Names (of GEBCO)
SCUHASCUBA Diving AcronymsSelf-contained Underwater Heating Apparatus (urinating In Your Wet Suit).
SCUVSChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Climatology Using UV/Visible Spectroscopy
SCWHuman Genome AcronymsSingle-chromosome Workshop
SCWOChemistry AcronymsSupercritical Water Oxidation
SDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStandard Deviation
SDChemistry AcronymsStd. Deviation
SDNASA AcronymsScaling And DisPlay
SDNASA AcronymsSmoke Detector
SDNASA AcronymsSpace Division (AFSC)
SDNASA AcronymsSpace Division (Rockwell)
SDNASA AcronymsSpare DisPosition
SDNASA AcronymsSpecification Document
SDNASA AcronymsLSoftware Development Laboratory
SDNASA AcronymsLStandard Distribution List
SDUncategorized AcronymsSheriff's Department - Smoke/Decontamination-South Dakota (postal Symbol) - Sudan (ISO 3166 Digram)
SDUncategorized AcronymsSindhi Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SDComputer Acronyms (Common)Secure Digital
SD-MBPTChemistry AcronymsSingle (and) Double (substituted States) Many-body Perturbation Theory
SD-POEChemistry AcronymsSigma-dependent Pi-orbital Electronegativity Model
SD/FSNASA AcronymsSmoke Detector/Fire SuPpression
SD/FSNASA AcronymsSuPPlier Documentation
SD/YVVNASA AcronymsSD/Launch Base Div['si'on
SDAChemistry AcronymsSpray Drying Absorber
SDAChemistry AcronymsSubsurface Disposal Area
SDAChemistry AcronymsStrand Displacement Amplification
SDAChemistry AcronymsStructure-directing Agent
SDANASA AcronymsShaft Drive Axis
SDABusiness And FinanceService Delivery Agreement
SDAFNASA AcronymsSolid Rocket Booster Disassembly Facility
SDAFNASA AcronymsSource Data Automatic)n
SDAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSatellite Data Access And Management Format
SDBNASA AcronymsShallow Draft Barge
SDBUS Military AcronymsSerial Data Bus
SDBEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsShear-Directed Balloon Experiment
SDBLUS Military AcronymsSupportability Design Baseline
SDBSChemistry AcronymsSodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonate
SDCChemistry AcronymsSamaria-doped Ceria
SDCHuman Genome AcronymsSan Diego Conference
SDCNASA AcronymsShallow Draft Board
SDCNASA AcronymsSoftware DeveloPment COmPuter
SDCNASA AcronymsSpares DisPosition Code
SDCUncategorized AcronymsShaft Driven Compressor - U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command (1985?1992)
SDCUS Military AcronymsShaft Driven Compressor
SDCUS Military AcronymsSignal Data Converter
SDCUS Military AcronymsSuper Data Coder
SDCIChemistry AcronymsSingle And Double Excitation Configuration Interaction Model
SDCLNASA AcronymsSuPPlier Documentation Checklist
SDCPNASA AcronymsSummary DeveloPment Cost Plan
SDCPAChemistry AcronymsSite-dependent Coherent Potential Approxn.
SDCSNASA AcronymsSAIL Data Communications SYstem
SDDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSystems Development Division
SDDChemistry AcronymsSilicon Drift Detector
SDDNASA AcronymsShuttle Design Directive
SDDNASA AcronymsSoftware DescriPtion Document
SDDNASA AcronymsSoftware Design Document
SDDNASA AcronymsSystem Design Document
SDDUS Military AcronymsSoftware Design Document
SDDDUS Military AcronymsSoftware Detailed Design Document
SDENASA AcronymsSpace Division Evaluator
SDEUS Military AcronymsSoftware Development Environment
SDECIChemistry AcronymsSingly And Doubly Excited Configuration Interaction
SDEXUS Military AcronymsStandard Executive
SDFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsShared Data Facility
SDFChemistry AcronymsSpin(-unrestricted) Density Functional
SDFChemistry AcronymsStromal Cell-derived Factor
SDFNASA AcronymsSafing And Deservicing Facility
SDFNASA AcronymsSingle Degree Of Freedom
SDFNASA AcronymsSoftware Development Facility
SDFNASA AcronymsSystem Development Facility (Breadboard)
SDFUS Military AcronymsSoftware Development File
SDFFFChemistry AcronymsSedimentation Field Flow Fractionation (particle Analysis)
SDFSUS Govt. AcronymsSafe And Drug-Free Schools
SDGChemistry AcronymsSigned Directed Graph (model)
SDGNASA AcronymsSupplier Documentation Group
SDGUncategorized AcronymsSudanese Pound (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
SDGUGAChemistry AcronymsShape-driven Graphical Unitary Group Approach
SDGWUS Military AcronymsStructural Design Gross Weight
SDHChemistry AcronymsSuccinate Dehydrogenase
SDHNASA AcronymsSoftware Development Handbook
SDHNASA AcronymsSystem Development Handbook
SDHUncategorized AcronymsSynchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDHComputer And Internet AcronymsSynchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDHSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSatellite Data Handling System
SDIAstronomy AcronymsStrategic Defense Initiative
SDIChemistry AcronymsSelective Dissemination Of Information

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