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Acronyms starting with S Page 15

 Acronym Category Meaning
SFANASA AcronymsSun Finder Assembly
SFACINASA AcronymsSoftware Flight Article Configuration Inspection
SFAIAAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSo Far As I Am Aware
SFCChemistry AcronymsSpecific Fuel Consumption
SFCChemistry AcronymsSupercritical Fluid Chromatography
SFCNASA AcronymsSelection Filter Control
SFCNASA AcronymsSpecific Fuel Consumption
SFC OR SFCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSurface
SFCCCCChemistry AcronymsSpace-fixed Complex-coordinate Coupled-channel Method
SFCSNASA AcronymsSurvival Flight Control System
SFDNASA AcronymsCrossfeed
SFDSNASA AcronymsSystem Functional Design Specification
SFDTNASA AcronymsSite Format Dump Tape
SFEChemistry AcronymsStacking Fault Energy
SFEChemistry AcronymsSupercritical Fluid Extraction
SFEUncategorized AcronymsSupercritical Fluid Extraction - Sydney Futures Exchange
SFEMChemistry AcronymsScanning Field Emission Microscopy
SFETEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSmiling From Ear To Ear
SFEXNASA AcronymsSolar Flare X-ray Polarimeter
SFFChemistry AcronymsSolid Freeform Fabrication
SFFUncategorized AcronymsStandard File Format
SFFComputer And Internet AcronymsSmall Form-Factor
SFFFChemistry AcronymsSedimentation Field Flow Fractionation
SFGChemistry AcronymsSum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy
SFGLUS Military AcronymsName Of French Software Company
SFIPChemistry AcronymsSector Facility Indexing Project
SFLNASA AcronymsSecondary Freon Loop
SFLAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsStupid Four Letter Acronym
SFMChemistry AcronymsScanning Force Microscopy
SFMENASA AcronymsStorable Fluid Management ExPeriment
SFMSChemistry AcronymsSector Field Mass Spectrometry
SFONASA AcronymsSpace Flight Operations
SFOBUncategorized AcronymsSpecial Forces Operations Base
SFODAUS Army Acronyms (Official) Special Forces Operational Detachment (Alpha)
SFOMNASA AcronymsShuttle Flight Operations Manual
SFOPNASA AcronymsSafety Operating Procedure (KSC)
SFORUncategorized AcronymsUN Stabilisation Force (in Bosnia And Herzegovina)
SFORDChemistry AcronymsSingle Frequency Off Resonance Decoupling
SFPNASA AcronymsSingle Failure Point
SFPNASA AcronymsSummary Flight Plan
SFPANASA AcronymsSingle Failure Point Analysis
SFPPLNASA AcronymsShort Form Provisioning Parts List
SFPSNASA AcronymsSingle Failure Point Summary
SFQCUS Army Acronyms (Official)Special Forces Qualification Course
SFRChemistry AcronymsStar Formation Rate
SFRCChemistry AcronymsSpruce-Fir Research Cooperative
SFRIChemistry AcronymsSludge Filtration Resistance Index
SFRPChemistry AcronymsStable Free Radical Polymerization
SFRSChemistry AcronymsSpin-flip Raman Scattering
SFSChemistry AcronymsSaybolt Furol Seconds
SFSChemistry AcronymsSum-frequency Spectroscopy
SFSNASA AcronymsShuttle Flight Status
SFSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Stinky Foot Syndrome (often Related To Homeless)
SFSFMedical Acronyms (Slang)Sphincter Factor Scale: 1 To 10 Scale Indicating Degree Of Bowel-loosening In Response To An Emergency
SFSSNASA AcronymsSatellite Field Service Station
SFTNASA AcronymsShaft
SFTNASA AcronymsSimulated Flight Test
SFTNASA AcronymsStatic Firing Test
SFTANASA AcronymsStructural Fatigue Test Article
SFTFNASA AcronymsStatic Firing Test Facility
SFTTMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsStop F*cking Talking To Me
SFTWENASA AcronymsSoftware
SFUNASA AcronymsStandard Firing Unit
SFUUncategorized AcronymsSimon Fraser University (Canada)
SFUSUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Standard F*cked Up Situation.
SFVChemistry AcronymsSemliki Forest Virus
SFWNASA AcronymsSoftware
SFWE(M)NASA AcronymsStatic Feed Water Electrolysis (Module)
SFXText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSound Effects
SFXText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsStage Effects
SGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSemigeostrophic
SGNASA AcronymsGnal Generator
SGNASA AcronymsLSSpace Ground Link Station
SGUncategorized AcronymsSango Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SGUncategorized AcronymsSeaborgium
SGUncategorized AcronymsSenegal (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Singapore (ISO 3166 Digram) - Snow Grains (METAR Code) -Study Group
SG&AAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSales
SGAChemistry AcronymsSoluble-gas Atomization
SGAChemistry AcronymsSymmetric Group Approach
SGBDChemistry AcronymsSteam Generator Blowdown
SGCNASA AcronymsAbilized Ground Cloud
SGCUncategorized AcronymsServer Gated Cryptography -Stargate Command
SGCRChemistry AcronymsSubcommittee Global Change Research
SGDUncategorized AcronymsSingapore Dollar (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
SGFChemistry AcronymsSpherical Gaussian Function
SGFETChemistry AcronymsSuspended Gate Field-effect Transistor
SGFMChemistry AcronymsSurface Green Function Matching (method In Calcn. Of Electronic And Phonon Properties Of Crystal Surfaces And Interfaces)
SGGAChemistry AcronymsSymmetric Group Graphical Approach (in CI Calcns.)
SGGEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSecond GARP Global Experiment
SGHWRChemistry AcronymsSteam-generating Heavy Water Reactor
SGIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSilicon Graphics Inc.
SGIComputer And Internet AcronymsSilicon Graphics Incorporated
SGLIUS Govt. AcronymsServicemembers' Group Life Insurance
SGLSNASA AcronymsSpace-ground Link System
SGLSYNASA AcronymsSpace Ground Link SYstem
SGMChemistry AcronymsScale Glass Melter
SGMLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStandard Generalized Markup Language
SGMLUncategorized AcronymsStandard Generalized Markup Language
SGMLUS Military AcronymsStandard Generalized Markup Language
SGMLComputer And Internet AcronymsStandard Generalized Markup Language

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