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Acronyms starting with S Page 17

 Acronym Category Meaning
SHUTDNNASA AcronymsShutdown
SIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Interiors Section
SIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSysteme International
SIChemistry AcronymsStieltje Imaging (method For Calcg. Wave Functions)
SIChemistry AcronymsScale Index
SIChemistry AcronymsSite Investigation
SIChemistry AcronymsState Interaction Method
SIChemistry AcronymsSurface Ionization
SINASA AcronymsCenter Support Operations (KSC Directorate)
SINASA AcronymsInternational System Of Units (ISU Preferred)
SINASA AcronymsScientific Instrument
SINASA AcronymsSolar Inertial
SISCUBA Diving AcronymsSurface Interval
SIUncategorized AcronymsSilicon
SIUncategorized AcronymsSinhalese Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SIUncategorized AcronymsSlovenia (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram) -Socialist International - Sports Illustrated - Syst?me International (French
SIUS Govt. AcronymsSmithsonian Institute
SIAChemistry AcronymsSemiconductor Industry Association
SIAChemistry AcronymsSelf-interstitial Atom
SIAChemistry AcronymsSequential Injection Analysis
SIAChemistry AcronymsStepwise Isothermal Analysis
SIANASA AcronymsShuttle Induced Atmosphere
SIANASA AcronymsSoftware Impact Assessment
SIANASA AcronymsSolar Inertial Attitude
SIAUncategorized AcronymsSingapore Airlines (ICAO Code)
SIADSUS Military AcronymsSensor Integration Display Sharing (an/sqq-89)
SIAMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSociety For Industrial And Applied Mathematics
SIAMChemistry AcronymsSociety For Industrial And Applied Mathematics
SIAMChemistry AcronymsSingle-impurity Anderson Model
SIAMHuman Genome AcronymsSociety For Industrial And Applied Mathematics
SIAMUncategorized AcronymsSociety For Industrial And Applied Mathematics
SIBHuman Genome AcronymsSociety For Industrial Biology
SIBFAChemistry AcronymsSum (of) Interactions Between Fragments (computed) Ab Initio
SIBIZMIRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSiberian Institute Of Terrestrial Magnetism
SIBSChemistry AcronymsSpark Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
SICChemistry AcronymsSelf-interaction Correction (in Exchange-energy Calcns.)
SICChemistry AcronymsSilicon Integrated Circuit
SICChemistry AcronymsStandard Industrial Classification
SICChemistry AcronymsStd. Industrial Code
SICUncategorized AcronymsStandard Industrial Classification
SICUS Govt. AcronymsStandard Industrial Classification
SICText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSpelling Is Correct
SIC-GX-LSDChemistry AcronymsSelf-interaction Corrected Generalized Exchange Local Spin Density
SICIMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSelected Iron Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (or Spectrometer
SICIMSChemistry AcronymsSelective Ion Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
SICLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSitting In Chair Laughing
SICMChemistry AcronymsScanning Ion-conductance Microscopy
SICPChemistry AcronymsSealed Inductively Coupled Plasma
SICSUncategorized AcronymsSwedish Institute Of Computer Science
SICSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSitting In Chair Snickering
SIDAstronomy AcronymsSudden Ionospheric Disturbance
SIDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSudden Ionospheric Disturbance
SIDChemistry AcronymsSurface Ionization Detector
SIDChemistry AcronymsSelected Ion Detection
SIDChemistry AcronymsSurface Induced Dissociation
SIDNASA AcronymsShuttle Integration Device
SIDNASA AcronymsSimulator Interface Devices
SIDNASA AcronymsStandard Interface Document
SIDNASA AcronymsSystem Interface Document
SIDOrganizations AcronymsSociety For International Development
SIDAOrganizations AcronymsSwedish International Development Agency
SIDAMSChemistry AcronymsSimultaneous Ion Detection In Atmospheric Mass Spectrometry
SIDLTSChemistry AcronymsScanning Ion Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
SIDMSChemistry AcronymsSpeciated Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry
SIDPChemistry AcronymsSputter Ion Depth Profiling
SIDSChemistry AcronymsScreening Information Data Set
SIDSUncategorized AcronymsSudden Instant Death Syndrome
SIEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScale Interation Equipment
SIENASA AcronymsShuttle Interface Equipment Services
SIECChemistry AcronymsSpherical Inertial Electrostatic Confinement
SIESNASA AcronymsSupervision
SIESUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Strategic Industries & Economic Security
SIFUncategorized AcronymsSelective Identification Feature
SIFCAChemistry AcronymsSlurry-infiltrated Fiber Castable [ceramic Casting Technique]
SIFEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSecond ISLSCP Field Experiment
SIFFUncategorized AcronymsSuccessor IFF
SIFSChemistry AcronymsSolvent-induced Frequency Shifts
SIFTChemistry AcronymsSelected Ion Flow Tube
SIGChemistry AcronymsSpecial Interest Group
SIGNASA AcronymsSignal
SIGNASA AcronymsCONDR Signal Conditioner
SIGNASA AcronymsGEN Signal Generator
SIGUncategorized Acronyms.signature (UNIX Shell/Internet Standard File Name) -Special Interest Group
SIGUS Military AcronymsGNDsignal Ground
SIGMedical Acronyms (Slang)Stroppy Ignorant Girl
SIGComputer And Internet AcronymsSpecial Interest Group
SIGCATUncategorized AcronymsSpecial Interest Group For CD-ROM Applications And Technology
SIGGRAPHAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpecial Interest Group On Graphics Of The Association Of Computing Machinery
SIGINTUncategorized AcronymsSignals Intelligence
SIGLEChemistry AcronymsSystem For Information On Grey Literature In Europe
SIGMAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSoftware For Interactive Graphics And Model Analysis
SIGMETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSignificant Meteorological Information
SIGMETUncategorized AcronymsSignificant Meteorological Information
SIIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSeriously Impaired Imagination
SIIAChemistry AcronymsSoftware & Information Industry Association
SIIMSChemistry AcronymsSecondary Ion Imaging Mass Spectrometry
SIITUncategorized AcronymsSaskatchewan Indian Institute Of Technologies (Canadian University) - Sirindhorn International Institute Of Technology (Thai University) - Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm
SILNASA AcronymsSilver
SILNASA AcronymsSound Interference Level
SILNASA AcronymsSystems Integration Laboratory

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