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Acronyms starting with S Page 18

 Acronym Category Meaning
SILUS Military AcronymsSilence
SILUS Military AcronymsSilent
SILUS Military AcronymsSimulation Integration Laboratory
SILSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSister In Law
SILText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSister-In-Law
SILACChemistry AcronymsStable Isotope Labeling By Amino Acids In Cell Culture
SILARChemistry AcronymsSuccessive Ionic Layer Adsorption And Reaction
SILCChemistry AcronymsStress-induced Leakage Current
SILOChemistry AcronymsStrain Induced Lateral Ordering
SILTSNASA AcronymsShuttle Infrared Leeside Temperature Sensing
SILTSNASA AcronymsShuttle Infrared Leeside Temperature Sensing
SIMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Interplanetary Model
SIMChemistry AcronymsSelected Ion Monitoring
SIMChemistry AcronymsStandards Injection Module
SIMChemistry AcronymsStress-induced Martensite
SIMHuman Genome AcronymsSociety For Industrial Microbiology
SIMNASA AcronymsSimulate
SIMNASA AcronymsScientific Instrumentation Module
SIMUS Military AcronymsSimulation Ship's Inertial Navigation System
SIMUS Military AcronymsSoftware Engineering Environment (see) Information Model
SIMUS Military AcronymsSubsystem Interface Unit
SIMUS Military AcronymsSimulate
SIMAACChemistry AcronymsSimultaneous Multi-element Analysis With A Continuum Source
SIMACUncategorized AcronymsSemantic Interaction With Music Audio Contents
SIMASNASA AcronymsShuttle Information Management Accountability
SIMASNASA AcronymsSystem
SIMASUS Military AcronymsSonar In-situ Mode Assessment
SIMBAChemistry AcronymsSelective Inverse Multiple Bond Analysis
SIMCAChemistry AcronymsSoft Independent Modeling Of Class Analogy (principal Component Analysis)
SIMCOMNASA AcronymsSimulationComplex
SIMDChemistry AcronymsSingle-instruction Multiple-data
SIMDComputer And Internet AcronymsSingle Instruction Multiple Data
SIMFACNASA AcronymsSimulation Facility
SIMLASUncategorized AcronymsSoldier Integrated Multipurpose Laser System
SIMMChemistry AcronymsSingle Inline Memory Module
SIMMUncategorized AcronymsSingle In-line Memory Module
SIMMComputer Acronyms (Common)Single In-Line Memory Module
SIMMComputer And Internet AcronymsSingle In-line Memory Module
SIMNETUncategorized AcronymsSIMulator NETwork
SIMONASA AcronymsSimultaneously
SIMOXChemistry AcronymsSeparation By Implanted Oxygen
SIMPChemistry AcronymsSolar Irradiance Monitoring Program
SIMPUncategorized AcronymsStrongly Interacting Massive Particle
SIMPEDSChemistry AcronymsSafety In Mines Personal Dust Sampler
SIMPLEUncategorized AcronymsSatellite Interactive Multimedia Platform For Low-cost Earth Stations - Savings Incentive Match Plan For Employees (as Used In SIMPLE IRA) - Standard Interface For Multiple Platform Link Evaluation (NATO STANAG 5602)
SIMPLISMAChemistry AcronymsSimple-to-use Interactive Self-modeling Mixture Analysis
SIMRChemistry AcronymsSwedish Institute For Metals Research
SIMRNASA AcronymsSystems Integration Management Review
SIMSChemistry AcronymsSecondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
SIMSChemistry AcronymsSurface Impoundment Modeling System
SIMSHuman Genome AcronymsSocietal Institute Of The Mathematical Sciences
SIMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Imaging Microwave System
SIMSNASA AcronymsShuttle Inventory Management System
SIMSYSUS Military AcronymsSimulation System (software)
SIMUNASA AcronymsSimulated Inertial Measurement Unit
SINNASA AcronymsSine
SINUncategorized AcronymsSocial Insurance Number (Canada)
SINUncategorized AcronymsSinhalese Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SINCGARSUncategorized AcronymsSINgle Channel Ground And Airborne Radio System
SINCGARSUS Military AcronymsSingle Channel Ground And Airborn Radio System
SINDOChemistry AcronymsScaled Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap
SINDOChemistry AcronymsSymmetrically Orthogonalized Intermediate Neglect Of Differential Overlap
SINDO/FChemistry AcronymsSINDO Free Of Empirical Parameters
SINGERChemistry AcronymsSystem-wide Information Network For Genetic Resources
SINKChemistry AcronymsSaturation Internuclear Kinetics
SINNMRChemistry AcronymsSonically Induced Narrowing Of The NMR Spectra Of Solids
SIOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScripps Institution Of Oceanography
SIONASA AcronymsSerial Input/output
SIONASA AcronymsSystems Integration Office
SIOMedical Acronyms (Slang)Sleeping It Off
SIOAChemistry AcronymsSurface-induced Optical Anisotropy
SIOSChemistry AcronymsSemiclassical Infinite-order Sudden (in Rotationally-inelastic Scattering Calcns.)
SIPChemistry AcronymsState Implementation Plan
SIPNASA AcronymsScientific Instrument Package
SIPNASA AcronymsSeparation Instrument Package
SIPNASA AcronymsStrain Isolation Pad
SIPNASA AcronymsStrain Isolator Pad
SIPNASA AcronymsSYstems Integration Office
SIPUncategorized AcronymsSession Initiation Protocol - State Implementation Plan - System Improvement Program - Systematic Investment Plan
SIPUS Military AcronymsSystem Integration Plan
SIPComputer And Internet AcronymsSingle In-line Package
SIPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSkiing In Powder
SIPCBusiness And FinanceSecurities Investor Protection Corporation
SIPIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScientists' Institute For Public Information
SIPOSChemistry AcronymsSemi-insulating Polycrystalline Silicon
SIPPChemistry AcronymsSodium Iron Pyrophosphatepar
SIPPUncategorized AcronymsSelf-Invested Personal Pension
SIPRIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStockholm International Peace Research Institute
SIPSNASA AcronymsSmall Instrument Pointing System
SIRAstronomy AcronymsShuttle Imaging Radar
SIRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsShuttle Imaging Radar
SIRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpaceborne Imaging Radar
SIRChemistry AcronymsSelected Ion Recording
SIRChemistry AcronymsStatutory Invention Registration
SIRNASA AcronymsShuttle Imaging Radar
SIRNASA AcronymsSoftware Initiated Restart
SIRNASA AcronymsSystem Interface Requirements
SIRNASA AcronymsSystems Integration Review
SIR-ANASA AcronymsShuttle Imaging Radar@A
SIR-CChemistry AcronymsSpaceborne Imaging Radar-C

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