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Acronyms starting with S Page 32

 Acronym Category Meaning
SSChemistry AcronymsSpace Station
SSChemistry AcronymsSplit-shell (gaussian Basis Set)
SSChemistry AcronymsStainless Steel
SSChemistry AcronymsSuspended Solids
SSMedical AcronymsSocial Services
SSNASA AcronymsShuttle System
SSNASA AcronymsSingle Sideband
SSNASA AcronymsSingle String
SSNASA AcronymsSpace Shuttle
SSNASA AcronymsSpace Station
SSNASA AcronymsStation Set
SSNASA AcronymsSubsystem
SSNASA AcronymsSunset
SSNASA AcronymsSystem Software
SSNASA AcronymsSystem Specification
SSNASA AcronymsSystem Summary
SSUncategorized AcronymsSand Storm (METAR Code) -Schutzstaffel (Nazi Elite Praetorian Guard) -U.S. Secret Service - Spanish Ship - Stainless Steel - Stockholm Skins -Submarine (US Navy Hull Classification) -Super Sport - Surface-to-Surface (missile)
SSUncategorized AcronymsSwati Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SSUS Govt. AcronymsSecret Service
SSUS Military AcronymsAttack Submarine (conventional Powered)
SSUS Military AcronymsRDR Surface Search Radar
SS&ANASA AcronymsSpace Systems And Applications
SS-CCSDChemistry AcronymsState Selective-CCSD
SS-MR-CCChemistry AcronymsState-selective Multireference Coupled-cluster
SS-OFMSWChemistry AcronymsSource Sorted Organic Fraction Of Municipal Solid Waste
SSAChemistry AcronymsSpecific Surface Area
SSAChemistry AcronymsSpherical Sector Analysis
SSANASA AcronymsS-Band Single Access
SSANASA AcronymsShuttle Simulation Aircraft
SSANASA AcronymsSpace Suit Assembly
SSANASA Acronyms1/0 GCOS Program Element Name
SSAUncategorized AcronymsCargo Submarine (US Navy Hull Classification)
SSAUS Govt. AcronymsSocial Security Administration
SSAUS Military AcronymsSoftware Support Activity
SSAUS Military AcronymsStrapdown Sensor Assembly
SSABusiness And FinanceStandard Spending Assessment
SSAGUS Military AcronymsAuxiliary Submarine
SSAIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScience Systems Applications Incorporated
SSAOChemistry AcronymsSemicarbazide-sensitive Amine Oxidase
SSASUS Military AcronymsSignal Security Assessment System
SSATNASA AcronymsShuttle Service And Access Tower
SSATNASA AcronymsSPace Shuttle Access Tower (now FSS)
SSBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSingle Sideband
SSBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSoaring Society Of Boulder
SSBChemistry AcronymsSemiclassical Sudden Born (approxn. In Ion-atom Collisions)
SSBNASA AcronymsSingle Sideband
SSBNASA AcronymsSource Selection Board
SSBUS Military AcronymsSingle Side Band
SSBUS Military AcronymsSupport Software Bulletin (tdc 96)
SSBCNASA AcronymsSummary Sheet Bar Chart
SSBLIMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSnow Shading Boundary Layer Interaction Measurement
SSBNUncategorized AcronymsNuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine (US Navy Hull Classification)
SSBNUS Military AcronymsSubmarine Ballistic Nuclear
SSBNUS Military AcronymsTrident Submarine
SSBUVAstronomy AcronymsShuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Experiment
SSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsScientific Steering Committee
SSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSuperconducting Super Collider
SSCChemistry AcronymsSuperconducting Super Collider
SSCChemistry AcronymsStandard Saline Citrate
SSCChemistry AcronymsSudden Storm Commencement (magnetic Storm)
SSCChemistry AcronymsSulfide Stress Cracking
SSCNASA AcronymsShuttle System Contractor
SSCNASA AcronymsSingle-Stage Command
SSCNASA AcronymsSolid-Solution Cermet
SSCNASA AcronymsSubsystem Computer
SSCNASA AcronymsSubsystem Sequence Controller
SSCNASA AcronymsL Shuttle System Commonality List
SSCUncategorized AcronymsSafe
SSCUS Army Acronyms (Official) Supply Service Center. Located In All Major DoD Buildings
SSCUS Military AcronymsService School Command
SSCUS Military AcronymsSkill Specialty Code
SSCUS Military AcronymsSupport Software Change (tdc 95)
SSCBusiness And FinanceSector Skills Council
SSCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSuper Sexy Cute
SSC'SAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSudden Storm Commencements
SSCANASA AcronymsSurface Sampler Control Assembly
SSCADChemistry AcronymsSpherical Self-consistent Atomic Deformation
SSCCNASA AcronymsSupport Services Control Center
SSCCATAGAPPUncategorized Acronyms Singles
SSCEAstronomy AcronymsSolid Surface Combustion Experiment
SSCEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSurface Ship Cloud Effects Project
SSCHSNASA AcronymsSpace Shuttle Cargo Handling System
SSCPChemistry AcronymsSingle-strand Conformation Polymorphism
SSCPChemistry AcronymsStatic Screened Coulomb Potential
SSCPNASA AcronymsSmall Self-Contained Payloads
SSCPAChemistry AcronymsSingle-site Coherent-potential Approximation
SSCSPNASA AcronymsSpace Shuttle Crew Safety Panel
SSCVChemistry AcronymsSemi-submersible Crane Vessel
SSCVUS Military AcronymsSurface Subsurface Clearance Vehicle
SSDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolid-state Disk
SSDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCray's Solid-state Storage Device On The CRAY X-MP/48 Computer
SSDChemistry AcronymsSolid State Detector
SSDNASA AcronymsSpacecraft Software Division
SSDNASA AcronymsSystem Summary Display
SSDUS Military AcronymsEmergency Escape/survival Device
SSDUS Military AcronymsSoftware Support Date
SSDComputer And Internet AcronymsSolid-state Disk
SSDCUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Space And Strategic Defense Command
SSDDNASA AcronymsSoftware System Design Document
SSDDUncategorized AcronymsSame Shit

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