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Acronyms starting with S Page 37

 Acronym Category Meaning
STLSChemistry AcronymsSingwi-Tosi-Land-Sjolander (generalized Random-phase Approxn. For Effective Pair Potentials Of Liq. Metals)
STMChemistry AcronymsScanning Tunneling Microscopy
STMChemistry AcronymsSpace-translation Method (in Atomic Collision Calcn.)
STMChemistry AcronymsSymptom Tree Model
STMHuman Genome AcronymsScanning Tunneling Microscope
STMMedical AcronymsShort Term Memory
STMNASA AcronymsSignal Termination Module
STMNASA AcronymsStatic Test Model
STMNASA AcronymsSupport Test Manager
STMUncategorized AcronymsShort Term Memory
STMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSpank The Monkey
STMASChemistry AcronymsSatellite Transition Magic-angle-spinning
STMCTDHFChemistry AcronymsSpin-tensor Multiconfigurational Time-dependent Hartree-Fock
STMTChemistry AcronymsSuperplastic Thermomech. Treatment
STNChemistry AcronymsScientific And Technical Information Network
STNChemistry AcronymsSubthalamic Nucleus
STNChemistry AcronymsSuper Twisted Nematic
STNNASA AcronymsSoftware Trouble Note
STNAAChemistry AcronymsShort Time Neutron Activation Analysis
STOChemistry AcronymsSlater-type Orbital
STONASA AcronymsStow
STOUS Military AcronymsShort Takeoff
STO NGChemistry Acronyms(n = A Number) Slater Type Orbitals Obtained By Using N Gaussian Functions
STOATChemistry AcronymsSewage Treatment Operation And Analysis Over Time [model]
STOCCNASA AcronymsSpace Telescope Operations Control Center
STOCSYChemistry AcronymsStatistical Total Correlation Spectroscopy
STODIChemistry AcronymsSlater-type Orbital-point Dipole Interaction (in Mol. Polarizability Calcns.)
STOICChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Ozone Intercomparison Campaign
STOIIPChemistry AcronymsStock Tank Oil Initially In Place
STOLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsShort Takeoff And Landing
STOLChemistry AcronymsShort Take-Off And Landing
STOLUncategorized AcronymsShort Take-Off And Landing
STOMChemistry AcronymsScanning Tunneling Optical Microscopy
STORETChemistry AcronymsStorage And Retrieval Of U.S. Waterways Parametric Data
STORMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStormscale Operational And Research Meteorology
STORM DAWGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSTORM Data Assimilation Working Group
STORM-FESTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSTORM Fronts Experiment Systems Test
STORMSChemistry AcronymsNevada Study And Tests Of The Release Of Mercury From Soils
STOVLChemistry AcronymsShort Take-Off And Vertical Landing
STOVLUncategorized AcronymsShort Take-Off And Vertical Landing
STPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSolar Terrestrial Physics
STPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStandard Temperature And Pressure
STPChemistry AcronymsSlater-transform-preuss (wave Functions)
STPChemistry AcronymsSewage Treatment Plant
STPChemistry AcronymsSimilarity Transformation (based) Perturbation (theory)
STPChemistry AcronymsStandard Temperature And Pressure
STPNASA AcronymsSelf-Test Program
STPNASA AcronymsShuttle Technology Panel
STPNASA AcronymsSpace Technology Payload
STPNASA AcronymsSpace Test Program
STPNASA AcronymsSubsystem Test Plan
STPUncategorized AcronymsS?o Tom? And Pr­ncipe (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Standard Temperature And Pressure
STPUS Military AcronymsSoftware Test Plan
STPDChemistry AcronymsShort Ton/day
STPFChemistry AcronymsStabilized-temperature Platform Furnace
STPHNASA AcronymsStatic Phase Error
STPMChemistry AcronymsScanning Thermopower Microscopy
STPPYNOZGTWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsStop Picking Your Nose, Get To Work
STRChemistry AcronymsShort Tandem Repeat
STRNASA AcronymsStructure
STRNASA AcronymsSystem Test Review
STRNASA AcronymsLStructural
STRUncategorized AcronymsShort Tandem Repeat (DNA Analysis)
STRUS Military AcronymsSoftware Trouble Report
STRUS Military AcronymsSoftware Test Report
STRUS Military AcronymsStore
STRUS Military AcronymsStructures
STR8SMS Chat And Text AcronymsStraight
STR8Text Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsStraight
STRACUS Army Acronyms (Official) STRategic Army Corps; STRAC Units Were Those Designated To Be On High Alert To Move Anywhere In 72 Hours Or Less; As Slang
STRADAPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStorm Radar Data Processor
STRAPUS Military AcronymsSonobuoy Thinned Random Array Program
STRATChemistry AcronymsStratospheric Tracers Of Atmospheric Transport
STRATCOMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStratospheric Composition Experiment
STRATCOMUncategorized AcronymsUnited States Strategic Command
STRATEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStratocumulus Experiment
STRATRADAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStrategic Management Of Research And Development
STRBNASA AcronymsStrobe
STRCHNASA AcronymsStretch
STREAMChemistry AcronymsStream Transport And Agricultural Runoff Of Pesticides For Exposure Assessment Methodology
STREXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsStorm Transfer And Response Experiment
STRFLDNASA AcronymsStar Field
STRGNASA AcronymsSteering
STRGNASA AcronymsString
STRICOMUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Army Simulation
STRICOMUS Military AcronymsSimulation Training & Instrumentation Command
STRIVEUncategorized AcronymsSynthetic Tactical Real-time Interactive Virtual Environment
STRPChemistry AcronymsShort Tandem Repeat Polymorphism
STRPHuman Genome AcronymsShort Tandem Repeat Polymorphism
STRTUS Military AcronymsStart
STRUCNASA AcronymsStructure
STRUCTNASA AcronymsStructure
STSAstronomy AcronymsShuttle Transport System / Space Transportation System
STSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSeasonal Transition Simulation
STSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsSpace Transportation System
STSChemistry AcronymsSlater Transition State (for Calcg. Electronic Transitions Of Atoms And Molecules)
STSChemistry AcronymsSpace Transportation System
STSChemistry AcronymsScanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy
STSChemistry AcronymsSequence-tagged Site
STSChemistry AcronymsSurface Tunnelling Spectroscopy

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