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Acronyms starting with T Page 15

 Acronym Category Meaning
TPUncategorized AcronymsTrident Ploughshares
TPUncategorized AcronymsEast Timor (ISO 3166 Digram; Obsolete 2002) - S?o Tom? And Pr­ncipe (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Training Practice
TPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTeam Player
TPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsTelePort
TP&CNASA AcronymsThermal Protection And Control
TPAChemistry AcronymsTissue Plasminogen Activator
TPAChemistry AcronymsTerephthalic Acid
TPAChemistry AcronymsTwo-photon Absorption
TPANASA AcronymsTest Preparation Area
TPADChemistry AcronymsTemperature Programmed Ammonia Desorption
TPADChemistry AcronymsTemperature-phased Anaerobic Digestion
TPADNASA AcronymsTrunnion Pin Attachment Device
TPAMUS Military AcronymsTarget Recognition Attack Multisensor
TPCNASA AcronymsTelemetry Preprocessor Computer
TPCUS Military AcronymsTraining Path Chart
TPCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThe Phone Company
TPCAChemistry AcronymsToxic Pit Cleanup Act (of California
TPCEAstronomy AcronymsTank Pressure Control Experiment
TPCFChemistry AcronymsTwo-point Correlation Function
TPCSUS Military AcronymsTechnical Program Control System
TPDChemistry AcronymsTemperature Programmed Desorption (for Gas Chromatography)
TPDUS Military AcronymsTest Program Disk
TPDEChemistry AcronymsTemp.-programmed Decompn.
TPDRUS Military AcronymsTechnical Publications Deficiency Report
TPDSNASA AcronymsTest Procedures DeveloPment System
TPEChemistry AcronymsThermoplastic Elastomer
TPEChemistry AcronymsThermoplastic Polyester Elastomer
TPEChemistry AcronymsThreshold Photoelectron
TPENASA AcronymsTest Project Engineer
TPECPUS Military AcronymsTrainer Peculiar Engineering Change Proposal
TPEPICOChemistry AcronymsThreshold Photoelectron-photoion Coincidence
TPFNASA AcronymsTerminal Phase Finalization (Braking)
TPFNASA AcronymsTerminal Phase Finish
TPFNASA AcronymsTransfer Phase Final
TPFNASA AcronymsTug Processing Facility
TPF&CAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTowers
TPHChemistry AcronymsTotal Petroleum Hydrocarbons
TPINASA AcronymsTerminal Phase Initiation
TPIUS Military AcronymsTest Program Instruction
TPIUS Military AcronymsThreads Per Inch
TPIComputer And Internet AcronymsTracks Per Inch
TPLUS Military AcronymsThrust Power Lever
TPLSMChemistry AcronymsTwo-photon Laser-scanning Microscopy
TPMChemistry AcronymsTwo-potential Model (in At. Scattering Calcns.)
TPMNASA AcronymsTechnical Performance Measurement (System)
TPMNASA AcronymsTerminal Phase Maneuver
TPMNASA AcronymsTerminal Phase Midcourse
TPMNASA AcronymsTransfer Phase Midcourse
TPMNASA Acronyms1Terminal Phase Midcourse #1
TPM2NASA AcronymsTerminal Phase Midcourse #2
TPMBChemistry AcronymsTwo-potential-modified Born (approxn. In Inelastic Collisions)
TPNChemistry AcronymsTotal Parenteral Nutrition
TPNMedical AcronymsTotal Parenteral Nutrition
TPOChemistry AcronymsTechnical Project Officer
TPOChemistry AcronymsTemperature-programmed Oxidiation
TPOChemistry AcronymsThermoplastic Polyolefin
TPONASA AcronymsTest Program Out@ine
TPOUncategorized AcronymsThrombopoietin
TPOUS Military AcronymsTentative Program Objectives
TPOTChemistry AcronymsTwo-parameter Omega Technique
TPPChemistry AcronymsTriphenyl Phosphate
TPPUS Military AcronymsTotal Package Procurement
TPPEChemistry AcronymsTwo-photon Photoemission
TPPIChemistry AcronymsTime Proportional Phase Increment
TPPMChemistry AcronymsTwo-pulse Phase Modulation
TPQChemistry AcronymsThreshold Planning Quantity
TPRChemistry AcronymsTotal Population Risk
TPRChemistry AcronymsTemperature-programmed Reduction
TPRChemistry AcronymsTetratricopeptide Repeat
TPRMedical AcronymsTemperature
TPRNASA AcronymsTeleprinter
TPRNASA AcronymsTest ProblemReport
TPRUS Military AcronymsTechnical Proposal Requirements
TPRRSChemistry AcronymsTransient Photoinduced Resonant Raman Scattering
TPRSChemistry AcronymsTemperature Programmed Reaction Spectrometry
TPSAstronomy AcronymsThermal Protection System
TPSNASA AcronymsThermal Protection System (SR[3
TPSNASA AcronymsTest Preparation Sheet
TPSNASA AcronymsThermal Protection Subsystem
TPSNASA AcronymsThermal Protection System
TPSNASA AcronymsTwisted Pair Shielded
TPSUncategorized AcronymsThe Pennington School
TPSUS Military AcronymsTest Program Set
TPSUS Military AcronymsTraining Path System
TPSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThat's Pretty Stupid
TPSAChemistry AcronymsTopological Surface Area
TPSAChemistry AcronymsTotal Prostate Specific Antigen
TPSENASA AcronymsThermal Protection Subsystem Experiments
TPSRChemistry AcronymsTemp.-programmed Surface Reaction
TPSSIMSChemistry AcronymsTemperature Programmed Static Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
TPTBUncategorized AcronymsThe Powers That Be (often Used To Refer To The People Responsible For The Content Of TV Series Or Movies)
TPTBSMS Chat And Text AcronymsThe Powers That Be
TPTBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsThe Powers That Be
TPUChemistry AcronymsThermoplastic Polyurethane
TPUNNASA AcronymsTest Procedure Update Notice
TPVChemistry AcronymsThermoplastic Vulcanizate
TPWChemistry AcronymsTransformed Plane Wave Method
TPYChemistry AcronymsTotal Photon Yield
TQCMChemistry AcronymsTemperature-controlled Quartz Crystal Microbalance
TQEUS Military AcronymsTorque

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