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Acronyms starting with V Page 3

 Acronym Category Meaning
VDHFChemistry AcronymsVariational Dirac-Hartree-Fock
VDIChemistry AcronymsVerein Deutscher Ingenieure (German Engineers Society)
VDINASA AcronymsVendor Documentation Inventory
VDINASA AcronymsVertical Display Indicator
VDIUS Military AcronymsVideo
VDMOSUncategorized Acronyms Vertical Double-diffused MOS Transistor (vee-dee-moss)
VDRUncategorized AcronymsNorth Vietnam (ISO 3166 Trigram
VDREChemistry AcronymsVitamin D-responsive Element
VDSNASA AcronymsVehicle Dynamics Simulator
VDSLComputer And Internet AcronymsVery High Bit Rate DSL
VDTNASA AcronymsVehicle Data Table
VDTComputer And Internet AcronymsVideo Display Terminal
VDUChemistry AcronymsVisual Display Unit
VDUNASA AcronymsVisual Display Unit
VDZChemistry AcronymsValence Double Zeta
VENASA AcronymsEquivalent Velocity
VENASA AcronymsVehicle Engineering (KSC VBO Directorate)
VEUncategorized AcronymsVenda Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
VEUncategorized AcronymsVenezuela (FIPS 10-4 Country Code; ISO 3166 Digram)
VEUS Military AcronymsValue Engineering
VE-PPPChemistry AcronymsVariable Electronegativity PPP
VEBUncategorized AcronymsVenezuelan Bol­var (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
VECIBNASA AcronymsVehicle Engineering Change IMplementation Board
VECOAstronomy AcronymsVernier Engine Cutoff
VECONASA AcronymsVernier Engine Cutoff
VECPUS Military AcronymsValue Engineering Change Proposal
VEDSNASA AcronymsVehicle Emergency Detection System
VEDW IOSChemistry AcronymsVibrational Exponential-distorted-wave Infinite-order-sudden (method For Inelastic Mol. Collisions Calcn.)
VEEChemistry AcronymsVenezuelan Equine Encephalitis
VEEGAAstronomy AcronymsVenus-Earth-Earth Gravity Assist
VEEGAUncategorized AcronymsVenus Earth Earth Gravity Assist Man?uvre
VEEHChemistry AcronymsVariable Electronegativity Extended Hueckel Method
VEEINASA AcronymsVehicle Electrical Engine Interface
VEELSChemistry AcronymsValence Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy
VEFCONASA AcronymsVertical Functional Checkout
VEGChatting AcronymsVery Evil Grin
VEGSMS Chat And Text AcronymsVery Evil Grin
VEGText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsVery Evil Grin
VEGFChemistry AcronymsVascular Endothelial Growth Factor
VEHChemistry AcronymsValence Effective Hamiltonian Method (for Electronic Structure)
VEHNASA AcronymsVehicle
VEHNASA AcronymsID Vehicle Identification
VEINASA AcronymsVehicle End Item
VELNASA AcronymsVelocity
VELORTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVery Long Range Tracking
VEMChemistry AcronymsVideo-enhanced Microscopy
VEMAPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVegetation And Ecosystem Modeling And Analysis Project
VENUncategorized AcronymsVenda Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
VENUncategorized AcronymsVenezuela (ISO 3166 Trigram)
VENTIDSCUBA Diving AcronymsVision Ears Nausea Twitiching Irritation Dizziness
VEOChemistry AcronymsValence Electron Only
VEOMPChemistry AcronymsValence-electron-only Model Potential (for Mol. SCF Calcns.)
VERNASA AcronymsVerify
VERAChemistry AcronymsVienna Environmental Research Accelerator
VERIChemistry AcronymsVisual-empirical Region Of Influence
VERIFNASA AcronymsVerification
VERITASUncategorized AcronymsVery Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System
VERLORTNASA AcronymsVery Long Range Tracking Radar
VERNNASA AcronymsVernier
VERONICAComputer And Internet AcronymsVery Easy Rodent-Oriented Networkwide Index To Computerized Archives
VERTNASA AcronymsVertical
VERTUS Military AcronymsVertical
VESChatting AcronymsVery Evil Smile
VESChemistry AcronymsVertical Elec. Sounding
VESChemistry AcronymsVapor Extraction System
VESSMS Chat And Text AcronymsVery Evil Smile
VESAComputer Acronyms (Common)Video Electronics Standards Association
VESAComputer And Internet AcronymsVideo Electronics Standards Association
VESCFChemistry AcronymsVariable Electronegativity Self-consistent Field
VETESSChemistry AcronymsVehicle Transient Emissions Simulation Software
VETSUS Govt. AcronymsVeterans' Employment And Training Service
VFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVoice Frequency
VFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsVoice Frequency
VFChemistry AcronymsValence Force (model In Bond Properties Calcns. In Solids)
VFNASA AcronymsVertical Flight
VFNASA AcronymsVideo Frequency
VF/VFIBMedical AcronymsVentricular Fibrillation
VFAChemistry AcronymsVolatile Fatty Acid
VFAUncategorized AcronymsVolatile Fatty Acid
VFATComputer Acronyms (Common)Virtual File Allocation Table
VFATComputer And Internet AcronymsVirtual File Allocation Table
VFBChemistry AcronymsFlat-band Voltage
VFDChemistry AcronymsVacuum Fluorescent Display
VFDUncategorized AcronymsArticles For Deletion (used In Wikipedia)
VFENASA AcronymsVendor Furnished EquiPment
VFETChemistry AcronymsVertical Field-effect Transistor
VFFChemistry AcronymsValence Force Field (in Electronic-structure Calcns.)
VFINASA AcronymsVerification Flight Instrumentation
VFMNASA AcronymsView Finder Monitor
VFMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsValue For Money
VFMOUncategorized AcronymsVery Fast Moving Object (astronomy)
VFONASA AcronymsVariable Frequency Oscillator
VFOTChemistry AcronymsVariant Fock Operator Technique
VFRNASA AcronymsVisual Flight Rules
VFRUncategorized AcronymsVisual Flight Rules
VFRUS Military AcronymsVisual Flight Rules
VFTAstronomy AcronymsVisual Function Tester
VFTChemistry AcronymsVoguel-Fulcher-Tamman [equation]
VFTNASA AcronymsVerification Flight Test

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