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Acronyms starting with Z Page 2

 Acronym Category Meaning
ZRUncategorized AcronymsZaire (ISO 3166 Digram; Obsolete 1997)
ZRUncategorized AcronymsZirconium
ZRLChemistry AcronymsZero Risk Level
ZRPAChemistry AcronymsZero-radius Potential Approximation
ZRPAChemistry AcronymsZero-range Potential Approximation
ZSUncategorized AcronymsZeptosecond
ZSUncategorized AcronymsZettasecond
ZSUncategorized AcronymsZettasiemens
ZSMChemistry AcronymsZeolite Socony Mobil
ZSRChemistry AcronymsZdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson [model]
ZSTChemistry AcronymsZero Strength Temperature
ZTUncategorized AcronymsZeptotesla
ZTUncategorized AcronymsZettatesla
ZTAChemistry AcronymsZirconia-toughened Alumina
ZTDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsZenith Tropospheric Signal Delay
ZTSChemistry AcronymsZ Transition State [z = Nuclear Charge] (method For Calcg. Isoelectronic Energy Differences And Electrostatic Potentials For A
ZUUncategorized AcronymsZulu Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
ZUGUncategorized AcronymsZ User Group
ZUIUncategorized AcronymsZooming User Interface (zoo-wee)
ZULUncategorized AcronymsZulu Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ZVUncategorized AcronymsZeptovolt
ZVUncategorized AcronymsZettavolt
ZVComputer And Internet AcronymsZoomed Video Port
ZVIChemistry AcronymsZero-valent Iron
ZWUncategorized AcronymsZeptowatt
ZWUncategorized AcronymsZettawatt - Zimbabwe (ISO 3166 Digram)
ZWAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsZonal Wind Anomaly
ZWDUncategorized AcronymsZimbabwe Dollar (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
ZWEUncategorized AcronymsZimbabwe (ISO 3166 Trigram)
ZZZSMS Chat And Text AcronymsSleeping, Bored
ZZZText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsSleeping, Bored, Tired

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