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Nasa Acronyms Page 111

 Acronym Meaning
P-PPeak-to-Peak (Value)
P-TUBEPneumatic Tube
P/AProblem Analysis
P/CPitch Control
P/LParts List
P/LPurchased Labor
P/NPart Number
P/PPatch Panel
P/PLPrimary Payload
P/SParallel To Serial Converters
P/SPayload Specialist
PAPad Abort
PAPaging And Area Warning
PAPower Amplifier
PAProduct Assurance
PAPublic Address
PAPublic Affairs
PAPulse AmPlifier
PACPressure Alpha Center
PACProbe Aerodynamic Center
PACProblem Action Center
PACASPersonnel Access Control Accountability System
PACCProblem Action Control Center
PACEPrelaunch Automatic Checkout Equipment
PACSPointing And Attitude Control System
PADPreliminary Advisory Data (Crew Data Uplink)
PADPropellant Acquisition Device
PAEPreventive Action Engineer
PAEProblem Assessment Engineer
PAFPayload Attach Fitting
PAFPayload Attach Fitting
PAFPeak Annual Funding
PAFBPatrick Air Force Base
PAHPaYload Accommodations Handbook
PALAPA Indonesian Communications Satellite
PALSPhoto Area And Location SYstem
PALSPrecision Approach And Landing SYstem
PAMPayload Assist Module
PAMPayload Assist Module
PAMPulse Amplifier Modulation
PAMPulse Amplitude Modulation

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