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Nasa Acronyms Page 140

 Acronym Meaning
S/CStripchart (Recorder)
S/EOSStandard Earth Observation Satellite
S/FSafety Factor
S/FSingle Flow
S/GStrain Gage
S/MScheduled Maintenance
S/MSystems Management
S/NSerial Number
S/NSignal-to-Noise Ratio
S/PSerial To Parallel
S/PSignal Processor
S/RSend And Receive
S/RShift Register
S/SSamples Per Second
S/SSingle Sideband
S/SSpace Shuttle
S/USet Up
S/VSpace Vehicle
S/VSuPply Valve
S@MSCCShuttle Mission Simulator Computer Complex
SASafing Area
SAShaft Angle
SASingle Access
SASite Activation
SASupplemental Agreement
SASupport Area
SAASafety Assurance Analysis
SAASouth Atlantic Anomaly
SAACSchedule Allocation And Control
SAALCSan Antonio Air Logistics Center
SAAMSpecial Air Force Airlift Mission
SAAMASan Antonio Air Material Area
SAASShuttle Aerosurface Actuator Simulation
SABSACstrategic Air Command(USAF)
SABShuttle Avionics Breadboard
SABSpacecraft Assembly Building
SABStorage And Assembly Building
SACSSADshuttle AuthorizedDocument
SACSSoftware Avionics Command SuPport
SACSSpacecraft Attitude Display

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