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MS Symptoms Early

Nasa Acronyms Page 178

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VSDVertical Situation Display
VSIVertical Speed Indicator
VSIVideo Simulation Interface
VSNVideo SwitchingNetwork
VSOVery Stable Oscillator
VSTAGVandenberg Shuttle Turnaround AnalYsis Group
VSWRVisual Standing Wave Ratio
VSWRVoltage Standing Wave Ratio
VTSTS Processing (KSC VO Dir.)
VTFVertical Test Flight
VTMVibration Test Module
VTNVerification TestNetwork
VTPVehicle Test Plan
VTPVerification TestProgram
VTPVerification Test Plan
VTRVerification TextReports
VTRVideo Tape Recorder
VTRVideo Tape Recorder
VTSVandenberg Tracking Station
VTSVertical Test Site
VTSVertical Test Stand
VTSVertical Test System
VUVehicle Utility
VVVent Valve
VVVertical Velocity
VVIVertical Velocity Indicator
VXVelocity Along The X-Axis
VYVelocity Along The Y-Axis
VZVelocity Along The Z-Axis
W&BWeight And Balance
W&CWire And Cable
W/EWing Elevon
W/SWork Station
W/TWind Tunnel

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