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 Acronym Meaning
ONI(U.S.) Office Of Naval Intelligence
ONSOperational Needs Statement
ONRAOffice National D'?tudes Et De Recherches A?rospatiales (French
OOObject Oriented - Over & Out
OOADObject Oriented Analysis And Design
OOCLOrient Overseas Container Line
OOOOut Of The Office
OOPObject-Oriented Programming - Out Of Print
OOSOccupational Overuse Syndrome - OneSAF Objective System - Open Operating System - Out Of Service
OOTWOperations Other Than War
OPObservation Point/Post
OP CITOpere Citato (Latin
OPAOther Procurement
OPACOnline Public Access Catalogue
OPCONOperational Control
OPCWOrganization For The Prohibition Of Chemical Weapons
OPECOrganization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPFOROpposing Force
OPIOffice Of Primary Interest - Open Prepress Interface
OPINTELOperational Intelligence
OPLANOperation Plan (also OpPlan)
OPORDOperation Order
OPPOntario Provincial Police - Operational Planning Process - Other People's Privates
OPSECOperations Security - Open Platform For Security
OPSIOverwhelming Post Splenectomy Infection - UK Office Of Public Sector Information
OPTAROperational Target
OPVOffshore Patrol Vessel
OROperating Room (surgery) - Operational/Operations Research -Oregon (postal Symbol)
OROriya Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
ORAUOak Ridge Associated Universities
ORBATOrder Of Battle
ORDOffice Of Research And Development - Operational Requirements Document
ORDO'hare International Airport In Chicago
ORFOperational Readiness Float
ORIOriya Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ORISEOak Ridge Institute For Science And Education
ORMOromo Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ORNLOak Ridge National Laboratory
ORROak Ridge Reservation (U.S. DOE) - Office Of Rail Regulation (UK Government) - Office Of Refugee Resettlement - (CIA) Office Of Research And Reports - Operational Readiness Rate - Operational Readiness Review
ORSAOxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - Operations Research Society Of America
OSOssetic Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
OSAOrder Of St. Augustine
OSCEOrganisation For Security And Cooperation In Europe
OSDU.S. Office Of The Secretary Of Defense
OSDLOpen Source Development Labs
OSEOwn Separate Entrance

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