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OSERSU.S. Department Of Education Office Of Special Education And Rehabilitative Services
OSIOffice Of Strategic Influence - Ontario Swine Improvement - Open Source Initiative - Open Systems Interconnection
OSIA(U.S.) On-Site Inspection Agency
OSLOpen Source License - Optically Stimulated Luminescence - Orbiting Solar Laboratory
OSSOffice Of Strategic Services (1942?1945
OSSOssetic Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
OTAOffice Of Technology Assessment -Orthodontic Technicians Association
OTBOff The Ball -OneSAF Testbed (a Descendant Of ModSAF)
OTCOver-The-Counter (drugs)
OTEA(U.S. Army) Operational Test Evaluation Agency
OTIOffice Of Transition Initiatives (United States Agency For International Development)
OTOOrdo Templi Orientis (Latin
OTOHOn The Other Hand
OTSBHOver The Shoulder Boulder Holder
OVCOvercast (METAR Code)
OVVOptically Visually Violent
OWOld Wykehamist
PPeta - Phosphorus
P2PPeer-to-peer (networking)
P3I OR P?IPrePlanned Product Improvement
PAPanama (ISO 3166 Digram) - Paraguay (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) -Partial Agonist -Pennsylvania (postal Symbol) - Petampere -PolyAmide (Nylon) - Prince Albert Piercing - Public Address (vocal Amplification System) - Public Affairs
PAPascal - Protactinium
PAPunjabi Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
PA 6Nylon 6 (PolyAmide) (similarly For PA 11
PAAPosition Area For Artillery
PABPanamean Balboa (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
PABXPrivate Automated Branch EXchange (company Phone System)
PACPan Africanist Congress -Partial Solar Calibrator - Patriot Advanced Capabilities - Political Action Committee -Primary Auditory Cortex
PACOM(U.S.) Pacific Command
PADIProfessional Association Of Diving Instructors
PAFCPlymouth Argyle Football Club
PAHOPan American Health Organization
PAIPolyAmide Imide
PAKPakistan (ISO 3166 Trigram)
PALPhase Alternating Line (TV Standard) -Philippine Airlines
PAMPrecision Attack Missile
PAMELAPayload For Antimatter Matter Exploration And Light-nuclei Astrophysics
PAMELAPedestrian Accessibility And Movement Environment Laboratory
PANSTARRS -Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System
PANPanama (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Personal Area Network -PolyAcryloNitrile
PANPunjabi Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
PANSPretty Advanced/Awesome Network Services (cf. POTS)
PAOPublic Affairs Officer
PAPIPrecision Approach Path Indicator (aviation)
PARCPalo Alto Research Center

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