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SMXServer Macro EXpansion
SNSenegal (ISO 3166 Digram) - Singapore (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Snow (METAR Code) - SuperNova-Screen Name
SNShona Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SNTin (Latin Stannum)
SNAShona Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SNAFUSituation Normal - All Fouled/Fucked Up
SNAPSuperNova Acceleration Probe
SNCBSoci?t? Nationale Des Chemins De Fer Belgique (French For Belgian Railways National Society)
SNCFSoci?t? Nationale Des Chemins De Fer Fran?ais (French For French Railways National Society)
SNDStandard Nomenclature Database
SNDSindhi Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SNESynthetic Natural Environment
SNESSuper Nintendo Entertainment System
SNGSatellite News Gathering (television)
SNLSaturday Night Live (television)
SNMSpecial Nuclear Material
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SNOBOLStriNg Oriented SymBOlic Language
SNPSingle Nucleotide Polymorphism
SNRSuperNova Remnant - Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SNRISerotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor
SNSSpallation Neutron Source
SNUSolar Neutrino Unit
SNTASyndicat National Pour L'?tude Des Transports A?riens (French For Aerial Transport Study National Syndicate
SOShared Object (Unix) - Sheriff's Office - Significant Other -Somalia (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram)
SOSomali Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
SOAService-oriented Architecture
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SOBSon Of A Bitch - Same Old Bullshit
SOCSector Operations Centre
SOCOM(U.S.) Special Operations Command
SODSchool Of Dentistry - Statement Of Difference[s] - Statement Of Direction - Statement Of Documentation - Statement Of Duty/Duties
SOESecret Of Evermore - Special Operations Executive (WWII British Organization) - State Of Emissions (EW)
SOFSpecial Operations Force- Status Of Forces
SOFIAStratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
SOHCSingle-OverHead-Cam Engine
SOHOSolar And Heliospheric Observatory
SOISignal Operating Instruction
SOLS**t Out Of Luck
SOLISSynoptic Optical Long-term Investigations Of The Sun
SOMSimulation Object Model -Somalia (ISO 3166 Trigram)
SOMSomali Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
SONARSOund Navigation And Ranging
SONFI(i) Switched Off And Not Flippin Interested
SOPStanding/Standard Operating Procedure
SORState Of Readiness - Statement Of Requirements
SOSSomali Shilling (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
SOSTARStand-Off Surveillance And Target Acquisition Radar
SOTSotho Language (ISO 639-2 Code)

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